President Message
In the over 80 years since the Company’s founding in July 1942, we have only been able to continue manufacturing thanks to the support of the local community and our many customers, for which we extend our heartfelt gratitude.
In the midst of rapid and significant changes in our business environment, we will continue to create new added value and combine our strengths as a unified whole towards the fulfillment of our managerial vision which states that“we will aim to be a company with presence and one of which we are proud.” By so doing,
we will endeavor to grow in the medium and long term and increase our corporate value in a sustainable way while always returning to the spirit of our founding and engaging in behavior that holds our corporate creed of “Health and Trust” as its basic principle.
We hope you will continue to support and encourage our endeavors in the coming years as well.
President and Chief Executive Officer Makoto Nitta

━ Managerial Vision
We will aim to be a company with presence and one of which we are proud by understanding the changes in customer demands and enhancing trust through the execution of appropriate responses.
━ Basic Policy
- 1.To manufacture products that sell well and carry out sales development for the purpose of marketing
- -Pursue a new distinctiveness of the Sanjo Brand-
- 2.To manufacture and competitively market our products on the global stage
- -Capture the global market and reinforce international competitiveness-
- 3.To reform the cost structure,select and focus our businesses,and make multilateral,inter- divisional use of manufacturing resources
- -Reinforce our business foundation-
- 4.To support concrete business initiatives
- -Enhance the quality of management-
Policy Health and Trust

Health and trust are the most important elements of life. When we wish to live longer in this world, health is absolutely necessary, and if we wish survive in society we need trust. A trusting person is honest, sincere, industrious, kind and independent. A sound body, together with a sound mind makes life enjoyable. A firm is the same. An organization managed with sound policies and reliability can survive in society. The most precious gift for us does not lie in material prosperity, but in health and trust.